Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Be Nice! It's My First Donation

I donated blood for the first time today!
My colleagues very enthusiastically chio-ed me to take part. I bravely tagged along, coz boss said she will make Milo for me when I'm done. Haha...

I had sweaty palms while waiting to go through the registration and queue. I was looking at all the brochures and terms on the registration form to find a valid reason to back out. It didn't help much when the other 2 were talking about the thick needles and the amount of blood they were going to take.
Finally it was my turn. The nurse started to take out that "blood bag" and all the needles. Jess was nice...she started making alot of jokes to distract me. The first jab was the anesthetic. Didn't feel a thing! The second jab was the thick needle. Didn't feel a thing either! Once the needle was in, oh, did the blood flow! Haha...

I was done in about 10 minutes. And no, there wasn't a layer of oil floating on top because of my hidden fats. Haha...

I'm a convert!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Received with Love

He came early!
Thank you dear!
The simple message inside the card speaks loads.
I love you too.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Watch Your Language

I don't normally blog about people who pisses me off.
But this has hit my limits.

I was at SMU early this morning for the gruelling 3-hour IELTS test. Yes, the English proficiency test that one has to take if want to go Australia to stay or work or study. Well, since we're putting in the application for PR, I have to do it.

After the test, I was in the lift with a bunch of people.
The group of PRCs started complaining about the test.
One particularly loud one said something about applying for scholarships and ended her sentence with "什么狗屁李显龙奖学金“ Those who don't understand the Chinese characters, it roughly means "Lee Hsien Loong scholarship is like dog fart (direct translation)".

At first I was shocked. Then I was really furious. These people come here, take our places in Unis, take our jobs, and make these comments when our government supports them with scholarships. Who are they to make such degrading comments about our PM?!! If they look down on our scholarships and country, don't come here!

I shot her a murderous look and her friends caught the signal and notioned her to stop. If mum didn't message me at that exact moment, I would probably have lashed out at her. Pardon me from being crude, but I felt like kicking her in the ass right there and then.

I know many PRCs are nice folks and likes SG for what it is. But there are certainly black sheep like that loud-mouth who makes it real tough for us to accept them into our homeland. I'm not targeting at PRCs at large. Just those who come here just to take advantage of our benefits and have no appreciation or allegiance to the hand that feeds them.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Red Reminder

I saw an envelope with red contents on my table just now.
I thought what it could be because mum settles the utility bills and credit card companies don't issue red bills (and i cleared last month's accounts already).

It turned out to be a reminder to do a MOM survey on employment and educational upgrading of graduates.
So pissed off! Don't they know it is so rude to send a red reminder? Come on! I don't exactly owe you money!

As an act of defiance, I will continue to ignore the survey. No amount of lucky draw is going to entice me to put in my answers.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

HUGE sigh of relief

I must blog this to remind myself.
NEVER ever bring work documents out of office without a proper bag.

I went for an external meeting yesterday and had to bring some documents of course.
Vanity took over practicality meant I carried a small bag + 1 file.
After the meeting, I went to a shopping centre nearby to search for a colleague's present.
I bought the gift, happy with a good buy, went home WITHOUT the file.

And by the time I realised, it was 11pm at night.
I spent a sleepless and nightmarish night thinking how the contents could fall into
some kaypo netizen and published overnight in all SG blogs. The entire public service, and my company will be put into shame and the public will question about how public officers protect confidentiality of information. I imagined the scenarios that I will be given a disciplinary letter, then handing in my resignation letter - all because of a shopping trip.

I called the shopping centre on the dot when they opened their doors.
THANK GOD that a kind soul has left the file at the cashier.
I practically jumped.

p.s: my boss laughed at my creativity in conjuring those negative scenarios.