Sunday, October 28, 2007

First Guest @ Brisbane

We spent a lovely weekend with Jimmy, a.k.a Guest No.1 to Brisbane.

He came for OCF on Fri, then we cooked nasi lemak last night and invited Mei, Tiff, Louis and Patrick up for a little gathering. Then this morning we went New Hope for service. Haha..Jimmy said it was his first service in Australia. (:

Jimmy shared some nice places to visit in Sydney. I so looking forward to the trip now.

Expecting my next guests in 53 days. Yeah!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

3 down, 1 to go

Today is my last class for this semester.
Then next semester is my last one.
And what will happen after that? I really don't know.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Meet the Worm

We watched the first election debate on Sun. PM John Howard and Opposition Leader Kevid Rudd had an intensive 90-minute debate, posing questions to each other and answering questions from a panel of journalists.

What's most interesting the the live tracking of the audience's response to the debate. A group of 100 were selected to watch the debate, and key in their responses every 10-15 seconds. Their responses are collated and out comes....THE WORM!

It's funny to see how the worm reacted throughout the debate. The worm obviously liked Rudd better.

Wouldn't it be interesting if the worm is around during our own election as well? Hmm.......

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Beautiful Morning

Finally! I was able to pull myself out of bed at 7am this morning and went for a quick jog.
I'm sure my body will scream for attention with its aches by tomorrow. Well, it's been a loooooooooong time since I've put it to the physical test. Haha....
The track by the river was humming with activity in the morning sun. There are LOADS of cyclists. I still can't fathom who came up with the "wise" idea of having a shared track for joggers and cyclists. It's kinda scary for groups of cyclists to be constantly wheezing past you as you jog, and those cyclists think they owned the track. And It's hard to enjoy the river view as you jog...the view is constantly blocked by those irritating people on their bikes.
But well, it's still a beautiful morning. I had a nice workout and a nice breakfast (sausage and pancakes. YUM!).
Now, gotta face the assignment "devil" - that communication portfolio. (;

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Today the fire alarm went off before class started.
But there were no announcements, no instructions from the "one above".
We spent 5 minutes in class wondering what to do.
Another 5 minutes outside class wondering what to do.
Another 5 minutes at the open grass patch wondering what to do.
For a total of 15 minutes...hundreds of students and staff wandered around the Business School, wondering what's going on. Even the staff seemed lost...literally. I pity them. They looked so helpless as everyone started asking them questions.
Well, there wasn't a fire. It wasn't a fire drill. What actually happened, nobody knows.
Come on UQ. U can do better than this.

Monday, October 15, 2007

I Nearly Cried....Twice

A stupid fly dived and landed on my lips. I gave it a swap...and my earring came off! It's not just any earring. My mum gave me these diamond studs as my wedding gift.
I PANICKED. How to find a small stud among the grassy path?
And I prayed like mad. Literally.
I had to find it.
After 10 minutes, still cannot find. On the verge of tears, I calmed myself down and started down the path again. I told myself that it should sparkle in under the hot noon sun.
Just LOOK carefully.
And I saw it. Not just the earring, but the stopper thingy behind (whatever u call it) was just beside it. I thank God out loud and wanted to kiss the ground.
I nearly cried....this time, with joy.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Australia Decides...Nov 24

The heat is on!
PM John Howard has called for elections. Polling date is on Nov 24.
It's much more interesting to watch the election campaigns here. The leaders can criticise policies and stuff without the fear of being sued by the other party for 'slandering'. (oops?!) The TV adverts can be hilarious as the parties make their stand by sometimes poking fun at each other.
I'm all behind Kevin Rudd. He's better looking, talks more sense...and he has made a very tempting proposition: better broadband internet for all households!!!!
Not that I'm eligible to vote here...haha....

It's a Small World

Was doodling around with my friends' profiles in Facebook and realised that one of them is actually good friends with another of my acquaintances from nearly 10 years ago. Gosh...seems like everybody knows everybody in some way or another.
And another (sad?) revelation by hubby. He says the number of friends we have on Facebook seemed to be proportionate to our age. Our peers generally have 20-50 friends, one generation younger have 50-100 friends, two generations younger have 100-200 friends and so on.
Cannot happen like that. I will scowl the networks to find more friends. Haha.
Actually, got find many that I know. But so long never keep contact liao, also don't know to add them or not. Well, if I'm desperate enough, I will. (:

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fly Attraction

This little fly followed me to the bus-stop.

This little fly followed me up the bus.

This little fly folllowed me around half of UQ.

This little fly "escorted" me right to the door-step of my workplace.


A new little fly (I hope!) ambushed me at the bus-stop when I came home.

I wonder if it's due to the passionfruit body butter I slapped on this morning. Hmm.....

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Full Bloom

photo of jacaranda trees at UQ taken from here

Jacaranda trees are finally in full bloom! They're late this year...usually we're already immersed in a sea of purple by Sep. Every morning I will stand at my balcony and say hello to this pretty neighbour...

But just a few weeks before, it was bare.

Isn't it amazing how God has put a "time-clock" for all His creations? There are seasons of beauty and there are seasons that appear to be 'ugly'. But these 'ugly' seasons are actually preparing us (and the trees!) for the good things that are to long as we continue to stand firm and grow strong.