Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I remember...

You used to carry me on your shoulders
You used to drive me around in that big lorry or the red motorcycle

There wasn't always much money, but you gave your best
You weren't always the role model, but there were times I was proud of you

Now it's all too late...

We are forever apart
I can never have dinner with you
I can never buy a shirt for Father's Day
I can never take a nice photo with you
I can never walk down Orchard Road with you
Please forgive me...

that I was slow in forgiving

that I thought there was still time

that I did not fulfil my duties as your daughter

I did not get to see you even for the last time

Now all I have are memories

But you will forever be my Dad

and I love you.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Life Back at Brissy

Back in Brissy for 3 days already.

Thank God that I still have my job. And went back to work yesterday.
Quite nice to see all the regular patients. Boss and other physios were nice too.
A good start to the new year!

Everything seemed so "normal". I mean, coming back to Brissy is really like coming back to another home. And yes, back to the days where one Penang Laksa meal here can pay for 6 plates of chai tow kuey back at Whampoa market. (: