PAP Taxi Uncle
I was too lazy to take the bus from SIR building (yes, I finally got down to replacing my new IC upon the 30-year old mark), so got on a cab since it was just a short trip to home.
The uncle greeted me with real gusto and offered many alternatives on how I can get home. To me, the fastest way is the best way for my pockets. Well, we eventually decided on the most logical way and went by Balestiar Road.
Then he started.
First he asked me what I would want PM to change if I get to meet him - to make the lives of young Singaporeans better. To humour him, I said less work stress.
Then he launched into his theories of hard work and equal opportunities, how SM came from average family, worked his way up and how everyone has a chance here. How wonderful PAP is doing for us and how I should encourage my children to work hard also and contribute to society. Don't even try to talk "opposition" to him. Opposition means anything also object - no real use to the running of the country.
The 10 minute ride became a pro-PAP talk. Even when I already agreed with him that everything's fine now and PAP is doing a good job.
Thank God it was only 10 minutes. =)
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